When we moved to our farm at
Chitrapur, our extended family of 2 dogs and a cat got further extended by yet
another dog and a whole lot of bovine members.
Strangely the previous owner never felt the need to name his bovine
clan. There were 4 cows, 1 yearling bull calf and a really feisty buffalo. One of the cows calved shortly after we came
to live here. So naming them was a must
– I couldn’t possibly keep referring to them as “Mother of the bull calf” (Munne ki amma) and
“Mother of the new calf” (chotu ki amma) for long. So the
new calf was “Gomati”, her mother “Godavari”.
The beautiful black cow with a white star on her forehead was “Shabari”, her son “Bheem”.
“Kaveri” the cow who had apparently had some health issues after her previous delivery 3 years back and hadn’t conceived, and “Nandini” the old matriarch of the clan. All this took a lot of brain-wracking, some names sounded nice but I invariably knew close friends/relatives with the same name and I wasn’t too sure if people would take it as a compliment to find a large doe eyed gentle beast sharing the same name. I barely finished naming them when Shabari delivered a female calf – surprise as none knew that she was pregnant. So “Shravani” it was.
And I had not yet thought of a name for the beautiful buffalo. So when the kids were on a visit to the farm, I posed the question to them. Their answer was spontaneous and unanimous “Madhubala” they said. And yes it did suit her and always drew laughter whenever she was introduced to all our visitors.
Godavari and Gomati |
The beautiful black cow with a white star on her forehead was “Shabari”, her son “Bheem”.
Shabari |
“Kaveri” the cow who had apparently had some health issues after her previous delivery 3 years back and hadn’t conceived, and “Nandini” the old matriarch of the clan. All this took a lot of brain-wracking, some names sounded nice but I invariably knew close friends/relatives with the same name and I wasn’t too sure if people would take it as a compliment to find a large doe eyed gentle beast sharing the same name. I barely finished naming them when Shabari delivered a female calf – surprise as none knew that she was pregnant. So “Shravani” it was.
Gomati and Shravani |
And I had not yet thought of a name for the beautiful buffalo. So when the kids were on a visit to the farm, I posed the question to them. Their answer was spontaneous and unanimous “Madhubala” they said. And yes it did suit her and always drew laughter whenever she was introduced to all our visitors.
Madhubala - the circles you see on her are made with half a coconut shell dipped into a paste of red earth (geru) this i a local tradition done on Go-Puja day |
Never having really looked after
dairy animals, it took us some time to learn, adapt and also change some things
that we felt needed changing. For
instance, the age-old practice of layering the floor of the cowshed each day
with heaps of green leaves so that it is crushed underfoot and mixed with all
the dung and urine, until the end of the week. Then the massive pile of rotting
leaves mixed with the dung would be cleaned out and piled into the compost
pit. It was the time –tested method of
getting good quality farm-yard manure for the plantation. But it was far from hygienic and attracted
armies of flies which also found their way into our kitchen. So this had to be
changed. And we started washing the cow
shed daily. The animals looked cleaner
and the fly menace reduced. As we
familiarized ourselves with the different varieties of cattle-feed and the
benefits of each, I realised that commercial feed had its share of chemical
supplements added to it. So started the quest for some home-made feed
recipe. Cooking huge quantities of rice
gruel was cumbersome and I was just about to going back to readymade feed when
our local vet came to our rescue. A mix of wheat bran, maize powder, gram-husks
and oil-cakes was recommended and so began our sojourns to the huge rice-mill where
sacks of these could be procured. The attendant
at the mill looked askance as I read out the strange sounding names ‘Godi
Bhoosa, Kadle sippe, Jhollada Hittu...”, I guess he expected this city-dweller to pick up some
dainty packets of Basmati rice. After a
long pause he said “These are available only in sacks of 50kgs”. When I replied
that I wanted one sack of each he asked “Where are you from” followed by a
barrage of the usual questions.....”Farm? .. from the city?.... Cows?....
Actually living here?.......
Well back to our bovine family –
they loved the new feed and slurped from their buckets with delight.
The other routine was letting the
cows out in the mornings. They would be
let out through a narrow gate leading directly from the shed, free to roam around in the grassy hillside
adjoining our farm and they would all return late in the afternoon and wait
patiently for the gate to be opened. One day Kaveri and Madhubala did not
return at the normal time. We waited till late but there was no sign of
them. Hoping they would return the next
day, we waited, but several days passed.
Our farm-hand Manjunath was quite sure that Madhubala would be soaking herself in one
of the numerous ponds atop the hill and Kaveri too would be roaming around. Sure enough Manjunath’s wife spotted Kaveri
close to the quaint Chitrapur railway station.
Not sure whether she had any intentions of travelling really far from
home, but we did not take any chances and she was brought back home. We stopped
letting her free from then on as she was due to calve within a couple of
months. So after the birth of Kalindi,
Kaveri got her freedom again and would return home promptly to be with her
little calf.
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Kaveri and her newborn calf Kalindi |
Madhubala was still enjoying her
romp on the hillside when we decided to go in search of her. Manjunath led the way like a mountain goat –
sure-footed and light of step, while we had to make quite an effort to keep
up. Pond after pond we scanned, each one
with its own group of buffaloes wallowing with blissful expressions on their
faces. Finally we came to the road that
leads from Chitrapur past Kembre farm having covered almost 4 kms. As we walked back along the road, we spotted
yet another pond teeming with buffaloes on the other side of the road. We went near and stood trying to spot her
amongst the numerous nostrils and eyes
that were the only visible things above the surface of the water. Every now and
then one of them would raise their head above water and soon enough we spotted
her. She glared at us balefully. Manjunath waded into the water and shepherded
her out. She walked morosely down the road while we were lagging behind calling
out to the dogs when she suddenly took
off in a gallop in the opposite direction.
Thundering hooves and grunts – it took a lot of courage to stand with
outstretched arms in her path flailing my dupatta. But she did slow down when she neared and
Manjunath could catch up with her and together 5 of us including Misty and
Phoenix forming a semi-circle behind her, managed to get her back onto the
After this episode we did not leave her
free for several weeks, but she looked so forlorn when the others left each
morning that we decided to let her out
too. For the first few days she would
return promptly and then the temptation would be too strong and she would
wander off again to be brought back after a few days of freedom.
Now as I write this, Madhubala is
still on the mountain, this time she is in a pond which has a superstitious
legend to it – no man who enters it has ever survived – even if he is a good swimmer.
So Manjunath will not wade into it to get her and Madhubala – the minute she
sees us approaching, runs into the water. We are now planning to go there late
evening after sunset as the buffaloes normally come out after the heat of the
sun reduces.
The other cows are content to
return home at sundown. Shabari has had
yet another calf – the first male calf after we came here – he is Balaram –
rich brown coat with a white head and perfectly placed brown spots over both
eyes like a pair of sunglasses. He is
the cutest. The cows all recognise us
now and allow us to milk them too.
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Hey Calfieee You've got an Eye-patch too - Misty gives Balaram a thorough nose-over |
As for Madhubala, she is still
enjoying the sunshine on her back and the cool water rippling around her.
What a story, Tanuja di!!! I read it like a mystery novel. I'd think that once they get hungry, they would want to return to the oilcakes and such after a whole day of just plain old grass. I bet you must make the best kheer and barfi with milk so rich and fresh :-)
ReplyDeleteIt was so interesting I had to finish it before going to bed! It must be a very interesting life, though full of hard work. I admire your interest in looking after a farm. Wish you all the best. Hope we get to see your farm in person- just as I had said earlier, Tanuja.
ReplyDeleteYour real story is griping,interesting and so absorbing that one reads nonstop.ypur vivek d description and pictures make it a wonderful read.loved it.quite a journey and full of adventure .