Sunday, 16 January 2022

Trying to begin anew.


Just when you think that life couldn’t get any better, it hits you harder than you can ever imagine, leaving you broken, dazed, shattered….

And you have got to carry on….

Everything else is the same, the sun still rises and lights up the tops of the coconut trees in that brilliant morning glow, the calves still bleat out their hummaaee at the sound of the milk vessels, the hornbills still shriek out their cacophony, the flowers still bloom………

My eyes still continue to see all this and my ears still continue to hear all the sounds.  But there is a stillness in my heart -  a silence, a void – no music plays here, no sound evokes a lilting  melody….

But I must move on.. 

Probably the first few weeks are the easiest – one lives in an  unbelieving daze, surrounded by a comforting cushion of friends and relatives.  Then one has to move on and get down to the business of sorting out one’s life - As in getting down to doing the paperwork…. The legalities, the documentations – that’s when it hits you the hardest – NO you cannot live in an alternate reality – you have got to come out and face it.

You have got to learn new skills – of dealing with people the kind of whom you have never dealt with before, of doing the rounds of government offices, which you never cared to find out more before….the list is pretty endless…

But in all this, there is a force that takes you through the dark days, help comes from the least expected places, people reach out with their warmth and care even from miles across, friends and relatives turn up leaving their own busy schedules aside to assist you when you need it the most….

I have been overwhelmed by the messages I received and the love and virtual hugs sent across miles.  And one recurrent note in almost all the messages has been an encouragement to write again.  It has been hard, and but for your love and support dear readers, this blog of mine would have been silenced.

I hope to write again as I have done in the past few years, and when I feel the strength I may put up the to-be-published posts that I had written during happier times.

Gratitude to all who supported and reached out!


  1. Well done , Tanuja
    It is all about making a start sometime again !You are a courageous woman . Once you start, I am sure you will find the words and the way
    Atta girl

  2. Well done , Tanuja
    It is all about making a start sometime again !You are a courageous woman . Once you start, I am sure you will find the words and the way
    Atta girl

  3. There is pain still raw even with passage of time but life must still go on....
    There are sweet memories but a lovely soul is missed but life still must go on....
    There are others in life including not just the near and dear ones but the loving birds and animals and plants, and life must go on....

    Tanu..... your writing, your blog's will be your channel to express out your thoughts and feelings. The world is eager to listen to you, so your writing must still go on....

  4. Hi Tanuja,I am so happy to be reading your blog again. I can very well understand how difficult it must be but writing will give you solace.

  5. Tanu, You'll find yourself stronger than you suspected and more people relying on you than expected! Keenly looking forward to your next post. Keep writing.

  6. Beautiful�� Do it for the 'our' in "Our farm at chitrapur". ❤️ You are strong.

  7. Tanu! A great start...... waiting for much more to come! What about telling us all about the four pups that Zuki gave you as a New Year's gift? Or the new calves that were born in the last month? Waiting to hear all about the excitement hidden in Huli-de-Vana in your blog!

  8. As it says the show must go on....bravo ...girl u r not aline

  9. The show must go on ...bravo girl You r not alone We luv ur blogs

  10. Tanu , every word that you have written touches my heart.... the sadness piercing through it.... but dear friend I am sure that God will give you unfathomable strength and you will emerge out as an achiever overcoming it all.lots of love....

  11. Good to see you writing again. I hope you will also start singing again even though it will be difficult. It may provide some solace. Amma used to look forward to the classes.

  12. Happy to see you writing again....


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